Sunday, July 26, 2009

Operation: Quality of Life

The global economy is weathering a mighty storm, and like most people, we are working harder, spending less, and trying to save more (emphasis on the word trying). The little things we cut out are small, and there are many days when it really feels like, "what's the point?". But I'm trying to remind myself that every penny counts and it will all add up. What began out of necessity, or maybe even simply perceived necessity, has really been a great discovery for us as a family and me personally.

We unsubscribed to the premium cable channels, and now having fewer choices of crappy TV shows means we actually spend our evenings doing more worthwhile things. I've taken up writing again with the occasional session of drawing, as well as playing the piano more and just getting down with my bad self to the radio (yay, radio is still free!).

We haven't let the kids buy any toys (not that we ever went crazy with toys, but we're talking not even on their birthdays this year), even the really cool ones that we're excited to play with ourselves, and it turns out they don't really play with toys anyway. There's no Transformer or GI Joe action figure that is going to capture E's attention the way being allowed to "help" his daddy wash the car does. Bonus feature: we're grooming him for unpaid labor in the future!

We stopped getting take-out in favor of preparing much simpler meals, and not only do I feel better about putting less styrofoam in our land-fills, but I've also discovered that hearing, "Thanks Mom, you cooked the best dinner ever!" makes any amount of prep work completely worth all the time and labor.

That's not to say it's easy. We work harder at work, longer hours, more stress, and as a result, we have less time to be with the kids. But the quality of the time is better; we're less distracted by the consumption of stuff. Will we stay with it once we get out of this economic slump and return once again to the days of milk and honey? Who knows, but a part of me is really hoping that we do.

1 comment:

Joni said...

love all your posts! very thoughtful as well as thought provoking... Joni