Friday, August 28, 2009

A Journey of a Thousand Miles...

Means bringing a whole lot of crap with you when you're travelling with babies. My cousin A is bringing her adorable baby to meet the family in October, which means she is going to be travelling with a 3 month-old.

I remember taking E to Washington DC when he was about 5 months old, and taking V to Hawaii when she was about 4 months old. It seemed like a lot of work at the time (little did I know that it's cake compared to taking a 4 year-old anywhere, including to the mall just a few miles from home), but now, it doesn't seem so bad in hindsight.

Maybe that's because I've probably forgotten most of what I learned about travelling with an infant. Among the things I can recall:
  • Breastfeed the baby at take-off and landing (if you're lucky, he will sleep for at least part of the flight)
  • Don't try to pack up all the baby stuff and bring it with you - you know how much airlines charge for luggage these days, right? - and buy things like diapers when you arrive (that is, unless you're about to take a hell ride on a cruise ship)
  • Ask your airline if a bassinet is available and if it is, try to reserve the seat in front of it. Alternately, if you can afford it, put your baby in his own seat.

I'm sure I learned way more than that, so I'm hoping anyone who might see this post would be willing to share your tips on travelling with Junior.


Arty and Allyssa said...

Take an extra set of clothes for the baby and an extra shirt for you for when the baby throws up all over you or you spill something on yourself as you try to juggle a baby and the rest of life. And a sling. Dealing with the stroller can just be a hassle. Call the family ahead of time and see if you can borrow a pack and play and all those other baby necessities so you don't have to bring it. That's really helpful. Pack tylenol for those 3 am ear infections or colds or whatever that always happen when you are in a different city. I totally second the BFing upon takeoff and landing. I just took my 2 yr old on a flight and I totally miss the days of nursing for comfort. Now I have to just pray that he'll calm down and stop crying!

Hula Bunny said...

Thanks for the tips! We used a sling on our trip to Europe, and it was great for the plane ride. Two is a hard age for travel, as they tend to prefer running around over sitting in their seat with the seatbelt securely fastened. But it will be better when he gets to 4 or 5.