This one is for you, A... One of my dearest cousins is with child and getting excited about the imminent arrival of her baby. Or at least shopping for her baby. She asked me what stuff she needs to have. So I'm going back to the newborn days to write up on this LIFE-SAVING baby gizmo.
What I Love: Fisher-Price Papasan Cradle Swing (prices vary depending on design, Nature's Touch model, $139 USD). We have lent ours to at least 4 other sets of parents and they have all thanked us for saving their lives and the lives of their babies (whom they would have thrown out the window after the 5th hour of colicky wailing).
Why I Love It: Have I already mentioned that it's a life-saver? First of all, sooooo cute! There are multiple designs available now: the Nature's Touch model (neutral colors with leaves and birds and bugs on the mobile), the Starlight model (pastel colored stars), and who knows what other designs by now. And the seat is extremely soft and plush. Many a day I watched my kids snuggled in the swing and wished they made a grown-up version.
Before I go further, every expectant parent needs to know this about newborns: they like to be rocked/swung. They all like it, trust me. I haven't met a baby that didn't enjoy the gentle lull of a swinging motion. My son liked being rocked side to side. My daughter liked being rocked back and forth. But they all love being rocked. Which brings me to reason #2 to love this swing: it goes both back and forth AND side to side. You won't know which way your baby likes to be rocked until s/he comes out, so hedge your bets with a swing that goes both ways.
Reason #3: it has diversions. Some have lights on the top. Some have a mirror. They all have a mobile and music. Some can be plugged into a wall outlet (highly recommend this because it can chew up batteries). Some let you download MP3's (mmm, because you always thought your iPod is too small and you need a bigger device for playing your favorite tunes?).
A tip for you: pick the model with the features you like. Definitely do NOT pick the model based on whether it matches the nursery decor and such (it won't go there, it will end up wherever you spend the most time and will probably get pretty worn). Pick the model based on which of the gadgety-goos drive you the least crazy. Baby won't know the difference one way or another, but if the sound of toucans and monkeys makes you go bonkers, you best not get the jungle design. Right, this was me hating the sound of crickets and chirping birds, yet I picked the Nature's Touch model which featured... you guessed it, crickets and chirping birds.
Other caveats: there is another Fisher-Price Swing that goes in both directions; it's not a papasan swing, but rather one with a more upright seat. This is NOT the swing to get because it is harder for baby to sleep in this one due to its sitting angle and the molded doo-hickey that goes between the legs to keep the baby in. And inducing sleep is a key function of a swing, no?
And lastly, the swing has a large footprint. Yes, the legs can fold together, but more for moving it around than storing. But you should just clear out the space you need now, because you will love this swing if you get it.
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